We make every attempt to ship out your order as soon as possible.

Orders placed Monday through Saturday by 2:00pm Central Time will generally leave our warehouse by the next business day. Orders placed after 2:00 p.m. EST or on Sunday and holidays will generally leave our warehouse within 2 business days.

Once your product(s) has shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email as well as a shipment tracking number for your order.

After you place an order you have 7 days to look it over. If you are not satisfied with your order please contact us before making any returns.

We will attempt to resolve the issue to your satisfaction. In the case of a return you will need to send the order back in new and unused condition.

Returns must be insured and shipped at YOUR cost. We are not responsible for returns not received. We strongly suggest that you ship returns via UPS as they provide a tracking number free of charge.

Claims for orders damaged in shipment must be filed with the carrier.

If we make a mistake with your order let us know and we will issue a call tag (return pick-up), credit your account, or do what we can to make you happy.